IT Audits

Most businesses in the UK are small to medium sized and do not have dedicated IT staff. That coupled with the increasing reliance on technology, in all its rapidly evolving forms, makes it very hard for the business owners and managers to ensure that their systems are safe, secure and resilient. That's where we can help with an audit of your systems to identify potential issues and recommend how to resolve them.

Here are some example issues that many buinesses overlook until something goes wrong, when it can often be too late.

  • Are business critical systems reliant on other organisations?
  • Do you have full access to all the systems your business relies on (Cloud apps/accounts, Web, online backup)?
  • Do you have access to all the passwords or encryption keys needed for each aspect of your business?
  • Do other organisations have access to your data?

If you would like to know more please get in touch via our contact form.
